INTERNATIONAL TRADE FORUM 2024: Sustainability as a Driver for Growth: from Trend to Competitive Advantage in International Business

Mar 28, 2024 | Business, Economy, Event, S-GE

Date: April 23rd, 2024, From 12:30–19:00

Venue: Kongresshaus Zürich – Claridenstrasse 5, 8002 Zürich, Switzerland.

On April 23rd, 2024, the Kongresshaus Zürich will play host to an event of paramount importance for Swiss businesses eyeing global expansion—the International Trade Forum 2024. Under the theme “Sustainability as a Driver for Growth: from Trend to Competitive Advantage in International Business”, this forum promises to dissect and explore the critical role sustainability plays in the trajectory of businesses, from burgeoning trend to indispensable competitive edge.

The Imperative of Sustainability

In an era marked by heightened environmental consciousness and a pressing need for corporate responsibility, sustainability has emerged as a cornerstone for businesses aiming to thrive in the international arena. This forum acknowledges the shifting landscape of global commerce and aims to equip Swiss companies with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate this new terrain successfully.

Empowering Swiss SMEs

At the heart of this discussion lies the Swiss SME sector, renowned for its innovative prowess and agility. Despite their size, these companies wield considerable influence in global markets. By embracing sustainability practices, Swiss SMEs can not only align themselves with evolving consumer preferences but also bolster their competitiveness on the international stage.

A Multifaceted Approach

The International Trade Forum 2024 will offer a multifaceted exploration of sustainability in international business, catering to a diverse audience comprising around 400 exporting companies from Switzerland and Liechtenstein, along with representatives from politics and public administration organizations. The event will be conducted in German, French, and English, reflecting the linguistic diversity of Switzerland.

Sessions Unveiled

The forum will feature three insightful sessions, each focusing on a distinct aspect of sustainability in international business:

  • Building Sustainable Sales Partnerships in International Business: Strategies and Solutions: This session delves into strategies and solutions for cultivating enduring sales partnerships in the international arena. Participants can expect to gain invaluable insights into fostering relationships that prioritize sustainability while driving business growth.
  • Elevating Sustainability in Supply Chains: Swiss Innovations in Traceability: Supply chains form the backbone of global commerce, and this session shines a spotlight on Swiss innovations aimed at enhancing traceability and transparency in supply chains. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and best practices, Swiss companies can solidify their commitment to sustainability throughout their value chains.
  • Focus on Swiss Free Trade Agreement: Current Developments and Challenges: In an increasingly interconnected world, free trade agreements play a pivotal role in facilitating international trade. This session will provide attendees with a comprehensive overview of the Swiss free trade agreement landscape, highlighting current developments and navigating the associated challenges.

About Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE)

Central to the organization of the International Trade Forum 2024 is Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE), the official Swiss entity for export and investment promotion. Since 1927, S-GE has been instrumental in fostering the country’s foreign trade and promoting prosperity in Switzerland.

Global Reach, Local Expertise

S-GE operates a robust global network, comprising Swiss Business Hubs in 22 locations and partnerships with over 3,000 entities worldwide. Through its extensive network, S-GE provides Swiss companies with unparalleled support and guidance, facilitating their expansion into international markets seamlessly.

A Trusted Partner in International Business

As a private consulting and platform organization, S-GE is uniquely positioned to assist Swiss companies across 130 markets. Whether through its dedicated Swiss Business Hubs or strategic partnerships, S-GE remains steadfast in its commitment to empowering Swiss businesses on the global stage.

The International Trade Forum 2024 represents a pivotal moment for Swiss businesses to embrace sustainability as a catalyst for growth and competitiveness in international markets. With S-GE at the helm, this event promises to arm attendees with the knowledge, insights, and connections necessary to navigate the complexities of global commerce successfully. As sustainability evolves from a trend to a strategic imperative, Swiss companies stand poised to seize the opportunities that lie ahead, forging a path towards sustainable growth and prosperity.

Please register here to attend the International Trade Forum 2024 and embark on a journey towards sustainable success in international business.

Link to the International Trade Forum 2024 teaser