Members’ News

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Programme de la 45ème Assemblée générale de Casci - 17 mars 2023 à l'Hotel Fairmont - Genève.
Aleydis Prestige

Aleydis Prestige

- The Service of Excellence - Aleydis Prestige, a Swiss agency specialized in the recruitment of Household ...
Swiss-Gulf Commercial Relations

Swiss-Gulf Commercial Relations

On June 3, 2022, the Gulf Research Center Foundation formalized its membership and partnership with the Arab-Swiss ...
Veltracon Lifestyle 

Veltracon Lifestyle 

Veltracon Lifestyle SA provides all kinds of lifestyle related services to family offices and high net worth ...

CASCI’s members are offered the possibility to post information on CASCI’s website about their business achievements or needs, their products and services. CASCI reserves its right not to post or publish information which would be contrary to CASCI’s policy or incompatible with the Chamber’s objectives. CASCI does not control the veracity and exactness of the information posted by its members and cannot be held liable for the contents of any such information placed by members on its website, including but not limited to incomplete or false information.