CASCI’s President, Mr. Jean-Paul Vulliety, was invited to Oman, from 11 to 18 February 2022, for an official visit.
This visit helped identify promising areas of business development and investment opportunities between Switzerland and Oman.
The Sultanate of Oman has developed its “Vision 2040”, along the following economic and commercial development goals:
- Logistics, in particular downstream logistics for food and fish
- Tourism
- Food security
- Healthcare and pharma, hospital management
- Industrial production/processing banking, project financing and financing mechanisms (including crowd funding, venture capital, etc.)
Our Chamber will monitor this very closely with the Oman Chamber of Commerce and the relevant ministries (in particular Economy and Trade. During these visits, our president had the pleasure to meet various personalities of the country, in particular the Chairman of the Omani Chamber of Commerce, the Minister of Trade, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and various private industry leaders with whom the Swiss industry should develop closer ties. The designated Secretary General, Mrs Hilda Al-Hinai, accompanied the President in his meetings to government officials in Oman.